Compassionate Care

When You Need it the Most

Our law firm represents parties in both personal injury and workers’ compensation matters. The effects of an injury can be life altering for you and your loved ones. An accident or fall can cause tremendous pain and suffering and can wreak havoc on your finances. You should not have to navigate insurance and legal documents alone. When these accidents happen, you need qualified attorneys representing you. 

At McKee Law Firm, it is our mission to ensure that you understand every step of the process. Our compassionate legal assistance will guide you through every critical step – from the beginning to the end – of your personal injury case. When you work with our team, whether a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim, quality service is what you can expect. 

Common Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury law, which is also known as tort law, offers injured individuals an opportunity to file a civil lawsuit in order to receive damages for any losses that occurred as a result of an accident or incident. Personal injury cases allow the injured party to be compensated financially as a result of the harm suffered due to someone else’s negligent or intentional conduct. Personal injury laws apply to each of the following:


Personal injury rules apply in situations where someone acts in a negligent manner, and that carelessness causes harm to another person. 

Examples include:

  • Car accidents
  • Slip and fall incidents
  • Medical malpractice 



A personal injury may also occur when a defendant’s intentional conduct causes harm to another person.  

Examples of intentional acts include:

  • Assault and battery
  • False Imprisonment and False Arrest
  • Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
  • Fraud/Deceit
  • Trespassing



When a consumer buys a product that is defective or unreasonably dangerous, any harm that transpires as a result of the use of the defective product may result in a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer.



Defamation of character happens when a defamatory statement causes harm to another individual. These defamatory statements, made to one or more people, cause harm or damage to the plaintiff personally and/or their professional reputation. Such false statements may result in other damages, including financial loss and emotional distress.



Worker’s compensation is defined as a work-related insurance which provides benefits to employees who have been injured on the job. Additionally, workers’ compensation law is a system of rules designed to pay the expenses of employees who are harmed while performing job-related duties. These laws can vary from state to state; however, employees can recover lost wages, medical expenses, disability payments, and costs associated with rehabilitation and retraining.



There are many legalities involved in real estate transactions. Because of this, an attorney, skilled in this legal area, is a vital component in order to provide your business with assurances. McKee Law Firm’s services always provide its clients the peace of mind they need. To our firm’s credit, we have represented real estate developers in litigation involving tax credits. In addition, we have represented developers, businesses and various entities in development and rezoning matters as well as represented banks and individuals in foreclosure and expropriation/eminent domain proceedings.

Succession is the process by which property is transferred when someone dies. This terminology is also utilized when referring to the estate a person leaves behind at death. When someone dies with a will (testate) and without a will (intestate), it is imperative that their property and assets be divided in the correct manner. During times like these, having an experienced attorney is essential. McKee Law Firm is always available to assist you as you navigate this sensitive time in your life.